52 days…

Sigh 52 more days to go and I barely have anything done.. Barely any progress from the last update..


✅ ring
✅ venue
✅ bridal
✅ solemniser

❌ catering
❌ decor
❌ door gifts
❌ wedding cake
❌ invitation cards
❌ entertainment
❌ wedding gifts
❌ souvenirs for solemnisation
❌ egg flower
❌ betel leaves floral arrangement

I’ve yet to confirm on my catering but I have one in mind which I will confirm soon.. It’s a whole package so if that’s down, decor will be down as well.. which means the major part will be done.

My door gifts is a headache.. Cant seem to get a good bargain but if that doesn’t work well, I have a backup plan..

Wedding cake, hmmmm… another headache.. didn’t know it can cost so much for a 3-tier cake.. I am exploring all possibilities.. I will post up one on my wedding cake soon..

Invitation cards! This, I will de designing and printing myself.. It is almost done… Looking forward to see the outcome. Oh and I need to go get envelopes as well..

Entertainment hmmm… I’m trying to get myself a live acoustic band.. still liaising with one and possibly need to look for others in case this one doesn’t work.. worst case scenario, just get whatever possibly crappy dj/emcee & karaoke system.. I haven’t told my family about this part yet..

Wedding gifts I still have so much to buy still.. not as easy as I thought.. it’s so hard getting the pretty, perfect ones..

Souvenirs for the solemnisation day is just potpourris.. I have got the bottles but still some more things to complete it and of course, the main ingredient..

Flower Eggs I have bought some but I need to get another type just so it doesn’t look boring..

Betel leaves arrangement I have a few choices which I haven’t enquiry yet.. I’ll get to it hopefully soon…

Ok, that’s about it for now.. Oh I met my jeweller yesterday and the ring looks good and I love it.. just that he forgot the black gold part.. So that’s another week of waiting (which I don’t mind). I know there are things that I don’t have to put so much attention and pressure on but I hate that I’m just such a perfectionist and a bargain hunter… Oh wells… That’s just me…. 😕

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